By using Motivacraft TV module, you can connect individuals in different places and make all the achievements of the team whether they are big or small to be visible. Sometimes a small action can have a huge meaning for the team. This might help you to reach your monthly target or break your last year’s sales record.

Motivacraft enables you to set your important milestones and to celebrate these achievements with your unique style. Whether you are working from home or office, you can make sure all members can have the most up-to-date information via web or mobile devices and notify them about all the achievements. With comments and likes, you can make sure that individuals give and take positive feedback.

Appreciation and Thank You Processes

Are you ready to increase your motivation?

What benefits to Motivacraft provide to you?

Creates appreciation culture

Insufficient feedback or thinking that you are not appreciated is the reason for 75% of the employees to quit their jobs. Motivacraft is changing this and making sure all small or big contributions to be appreciated instantly.

Increase reporting and administrative task participation

No one likes paperwork. Especially when you have tons of things to do. Gamification can help the tasks to be noticed by your colleagues and management. What is more, you can earn small prizes as well. This way even the most boring tasks can turn into something fun.

Shows the path to success

Watching your colleagues get recognition, reach their targets and move higher in the career ladders will motivate other employees to progress to achieve similar results.


Ready to increase your performance?

key properties

Prominent Features

Special themes and plans

You can easily apply suitable solutions with fun, special themes and plans that will encourage everyone to participate.

Data-driven decisions

You can’t develop what you can’t measure. No matter where you are Motivacraft visualise and report your most important metrics.

Defining your metrics

The important performance indicators for each company differs based on activity fields. Motivacraft can easily match the special needs of your company.

Increasing awareness and recognition

Increase participation and motivation with instant feedback. Enable your employees to stay as a part of your story.

Customisable reward market

You can specially design your reward market for your company. Your employees can convert the points they earned with real prizes.

Working in harmony

Motivacraft can work integrated standalone or with your own reporting tools. You can easily integrate into your existing infrastructure for a unique experience.